Photos of Emerson Fry modeling her own designs via EmersonMade.
I can barely stand how cool Emerson and her husband Ryan are! When I first got into contact with them they were traveling through India finding inspiration for upcoming designs for their ultra-chic clothing and home goods line that both fall under the brand EmersonMade. Their business is booming and growing almost too fast for them to keep up with—which is great news for all of us!—LGM
If not in Portsmouth I would live...as a nomad, (i.e. NYC, Thailand, and our hit list of new places we have to visit).
My dream holiday would be to...Amsterdam in the winter; bundle up and stroll, am I right!?
My current obsessions are...the glory of fresh squeezed juice (I can't get enough of mangos, avocados, Vietnamese street food and coconut water); listening to LPs at night and enjoying the pop and crackle of old records; my 1960s Kaftan collection (I'm developing a line with handblock artists in India to replicate these pieces into things some of our magnificent customers will like to wear); shopping at Red Chair antiques (which is moving to Hudson, NY)—this is such a great shop.
I channel my childhood self when I...experience a sense of awe in the world. I mean, just take a look at this place, am I right!? Nature is one of the fastest routes into the natural sense of wonder. Feeling blue? Preoccupied? Take a walk in the woods or in the park or somewhere with open air and feel the healing hand of sky on your brow.
The fictional characters I most relate to are... Luke in Cool Hand Luke or Clint Eastwood in Heartbreak Ridge. I love the spirit in those two characters, and if I were a man I would be one of those two guys. So really what I’m saying is that I’d want to be them in real life—not their characters. And I’d pick Clint Eastwood now that I think about it.
If I had to be outdoors all day I would...spend it with my husband Ryan and our dog Pedro somewhere we have never been before, or right out back in the field firing off some rounds of the 22. Or maybe a big party that I arranged in the field with everybody wearing seersucker and/or something with dots. Can it be all three? We’ll plan it.
My favorite quality in a man is...my husband Ryan, he is my favorite quality in a man. No truer man, no truer friend there ever was.
My favorite quality in a woman is...genuineness.
I'm terrified of...not having enough time to accomplish and experience all the things I want to in life.
My dream car is a...tiny 1950s or 1960s convertible.
My cocktail of choice is...a "Blueberry Supreme", which is fresh coconut water with fresh picked blueberries served in a Martini glass.
My celebrity crush is...the small dog named Pedro who lives with us. He is our in-house star.
My friends and I like to...be together. Pedro, Ryan and I like to be anywhere where each other are, especially en route to somewhere new—which can include the city sidewalk because no matter what, every moment you’re on it, it's somewhere new.
If I could go back in time for one decade it would be...the 1960s. Just for the fashion alone; you have the emerging bohemian right next to the proper cocktail hour dress. Both happening at once. Ideal!
As a teenager I was totally into...Oh sweet mother, the teenage years! Aren’t those something else!? I liked watching glamorous women in movies, reading, discovering the history of fashion, and music. All the things that I also like today minus the unbridled rebellion, well, perhaps that too, except now it's all allowed—thank goodness.
I tend to splurge on... vintage clothing and traditional and regional clothing from around the world (India, Nepal, Thailand, Mexico, Morocco) and small dishware and antique hotel flatware. I’ve got a tiny silver spoon from the Plaza Hotel that's just marvelous.
An insatiable interest life...is what makes me have Tomboy Style.

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