I've said this before, but it never ceases to impress me when a single person just up and creates something out of thin air. Former pro longboard surfer Schuyler McFerran of San Diego did just that when she launched a surfboard bag company last summer. Realizing there was a hole in the market for good-looking and durable surfboard bags, McFerran went to work. Her inspiration was a board bag her grandmother made long ago for her dad to take when he'd go on surf trips to Mexico with his buddies. She sourced the Mexican blanket material, got the bags manufactured, and created accounts with some of the coolest surf stores in California (and Japan), lickety-split! The bags took off really quickly, not only with surfers, but with friends that used them as duffle bags and even sleeping bags.
The bags are made in very small batches, so if you can't find what you're looking for from one of McFerran's retailers (call if you don't see it online), you might have to wait for the next batch. If you can't wait for the next batch, email Schuyler and she'll try and help you out (schuylermcferran@gmail). Longboard bags are $150 and shortboard bags are $135. More cool products are in the hopper too, we'll keep you posted.
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