If there is such thing as a tomboy style bachelorette party, I think I just attended one. Seven of us drove out to The Yucca Valley where we hiked through Joshua Tree National Park, gave each other ominous Tarot readings on the night of the summer solstice, got sound baths at the Integratron, and (at least one of us) two-stepped at Pappy & Harriet's. And we still found a little time to shop at the Angel View Thrift. I pooled together the haul and took a little photo because the Supermoon told me to.
Maud's Hawaiian shirt, red whisky jug, and turquoise sunglass chain. Sarah's mom jean-cut vintage Lee's. Julia's mirrored sign that reads: This Area Is Zoned For Uncontrollable Desires.
P.S. Zinzi (the future wife person) is writing a guide to Joshua Tree for Refinery29 that will be live this week if you want the full download on what's happening in The High Desert.
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