How many times have you gone into a store, seen a men's shirt, and thought, "I wish they made that for women." More times than you can count? Me too. When it comes to classic women's shirting, there's definitely a void. With the exception of a handful of sources (previous post included), a well-crafted, well-tailored, unfussy button-down shirt for women isn't exactly plentiful in the market. Enter Tradlands, a San Francisco-based women's shirtmaker launched last month by Sadie Beaudet and her fiancé, Jeremy Roberts. After years of bringing men's shirts into a dressing room with fingers crossed that just maybe it would fit right, Beaudet resigned herself to self-tailoring or would just sacrifice fit and don an oversized boxy shirt. Lucky for us, she decided to take matters into her own hands with a collection of shirts that marries menswear styling with women's tailoring.

Tradlands shirts are made in small batches in America from American materials like raw denim and washed linen. These shirts are built to last—in fact, Sadie tells me they're guaranteed to last. Prices for button-downs range from $127-$187 and Tradlands is generously offering Tomboy Style readers a discount: Enter the code tomboystyle15 for 15% off your order total!
P.S. Thanks to Christine of N'East Style for tweeting about Tradlands a few days ago.
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